Addressing Hate Crime 2012

As part of Belfast Community Safety Partnership’s Hate Crime week, HTR & Joe Blake Associates were involved in a number of different events.

These included:

  • Hosting a round table discussion entitled: ‘Sectarianism: Is it a Hate Crime?  Bob Hughes from PlayEducation was the guest speaker at the event.
  • A training of trainers’ session on the Talking the Talk approach.

With support from Belfast City Council’s Community Safety Partnership, Healing Through Remembering has developed an entry-level training approach to addressing hate crime, entitled Talking the Talk.  Talking the Talk has been developed as a support for representatives of communities, organisations and individuals who wish to address intolerant attitudes and behaviour.  The training has targeted people with contact and access to a range of community organisations, who will engage interested groups to begin to address some of these issues.

If you require further information please contact Aongus O’ Keeffe:
028 9023 8844