HTR launches ‘Ordinary Objects, Extraordinary Times’ with partners

On Friday the 15th November (1pm), Healing Through Remembering is releasing film assignment ‘Ordinary Objects, Extraordinary Times,’ an innovative film project that brings to life the stories gathered in the “Everyday Objects Transformed by the Conflict” exhibition, injecting new meaning and creating fresh stories around new pieces.

Funded by the NI Community Relations Council, PEACE III and produced by Dave Allen of Disruptive Media, each film features a person and an object. Audience members are invited to join as the stories and memories of the subject unfold through the objects, and reveal their personal experiences of the conflict.

The object may belong to them, someone else, or it might be just an everyday object that makes an emotional connection with that individual in the context of the conflict in and about Northern Ireland.

The aim of the project is to present stories from the most diverse range of people. The films encourage anecdotes that give the object meaning and context and give the contributor the opportunity to share their personal thoughts and memories.

The films will be uploaded to a dedicated web video portal on the Healing Through Remembering website over the period of one month (until 15 December 2013) and is available at Users will be encouraged to make their own comments on the films, tell their own stories and engage in conversation and debate on the website and social networking sites.

For long term preservation the films will be placed in the public archive CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet) at

UPDATE: The films can still be viewed on the Healing Through Remembering website’s Films page.