HTR presents ‘Those You Pass on the Street’

Healing Through Remembering and Kabosh Theatre Company are proud to present Those You Pass on the Street, a play written by Laurence McKeown and directed by Paula McFetridge.  The drama is part-financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the EU’s PEACE III Programme for Peace and Reconciliation managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.

In the play, Elizabeth walks into a Sinn Fein constituency office seeking assistance regarding anti-social behaviour in her area. Frank takes her details and promises to look into it.  He later learns she is the widow of an RUC man killed by the IRA, and is warned to tread carefully.  This brief encounter poses challenges for personal preconceptions and beliefs, straining family and political loyalties.

Those You Pass on the Street explores the complexities of dealing with the legacy of conflict, especially when that conflict is localised and personal. It contrasts party political positioning with individual needs.  It challenges the view that any mechanism for dealing with the past is simply about ‘whose side gets what’.


Skainos, Newtownards Road
Wednesday 29th January, 7pm

Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich, Falls Road
Thursday 30th January, 2pm

Upstairs at the MAC, St. Anne’s Square
Friday 31st January, 2pm

Upstairs at the MAC, St. Anne’s Square [SOLD OUT]
Saturday 1st February, 8pm

Director of Healing Through Remembering, Kate Turner says, ‘For some people affected by the conflict, forgetting the past is not an option, they live with it every day.  For all of us, issues of the past are a constant in the media and politics.  The challenge for us therefore as individuals and as a society is not about the need to remember, but rather how to find creative ways of remembering that enable us to go forward as a society.  Healing Through Remembering believes that drama can give us the space to consider difficult issues, in the hope that we can build a peaceful future together.’

Kabosh Artistic Director, Paula McFetridge says, ‘We are delighted to once again be working alongside Healing Through Remembering.  Kabosh believes strongly in the positive use of theatre within conflict resolution.  We regularly prove that theatre allows us to ask the difficult questions, challenge stereotypes and sectarianism, interrogate preconceptions of victims, survivors, perpetrators, and create a platform for informed discussion.’

Performances are free of charge and will be followed by a post-show panel discussion.  To book your place for the Wednesday (29 Jan) or Thursday (30 Jan), contact Healing Through Remembering at or by ringing 02890238844.  Saturday, 1 February performance at The MAC is already sold out; however, to book your place for the Friday (31 Jan), contact The MAC at or on 02890235053.


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Notes to Editors:

  • Healing Through Remembering (HTR) is an independent initiative made up of a diverse membership with different political perspectives working on a common goal of how to deal with the legacy of the past as it relates to the conflict in and about Northern Ireland.
  • The PEACE III Programme, funded under the European Region Development Fund (ERDF), is worth 333 Euro million and is aimed primarily at reinforcing progress towards a peaceful and stable society and promoting reconciliation.  It focuses on helping Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland to reconcile communities and contribute towards a shared society.  For more information on the SEUPB, please visit
  • Kabosh is an independent theatre company focused on creating exciting theatre in interesting places using the history, stories and buildings of Northern Ireland as its inspiration.  It is the only theatre company in Northern Ireland that produces site-specific theatre. Founded in 1994, the company constantly strives to push boundaries of live theatre performance, to cultivate partnerships with arts practitioners and create new environments for performance.
  • Dr Laurence McKeown, Playwright: Laurence is a writer, film-maker, and playwright, though sees those roles within the broader context of political activism, academia, and the role that the arts can play in both. His involvement in creative works, political education, and academia began during his period of incarceration as a political prisoner (1976-1992). He is currently Coordinator of the Aftermath project and exhibition based in Co Louth & Newry/South Armagh which looks at victims/survivors of the conflict and also persons displaced by the conflict in Ireland and internationally.
  • CAST: Vincent Higgins, Laura Hughes, Paul Kennedy and Carol Moore.