The Stories Network holds seminar on Process, Methodology and Copyright
28 July 2016
On Friday, 20 May 2016, The Stories Network hosted the first of a series of seminars* addressing oral history archives, with this seminar focusing specifically on issues of process, methodology and copyright. The seminar included presentations and a panel discussion by members of the Network, and was open to anyone interested in the Oral History Archive proposed in the Stormont House Agreement, involved in current storytelling/oral history projects and considering or planning new projects.
In the first session, members of the Network presented their respective projects to the audience as case studies. Each spoke about the project, its impetus and hurdles as well as how they dealt with process, methodology and copyright. The projects included the Pat Finucane Centre’s Recovery of Living Memory Archive, presented by Sara Duddy, the RUC George Cross Oral History Archive, presented by Murray Cameron and finally Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association’s books, Mixed Emotions and Both Sides Now, presented by Paul McLaughlin.
Those in attendance were given an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters before moving into small group discussions to consider what they would like to hear discussed during the panel that followed and what issues were being raised in the current context of the proposed Oral History Archive.
Network members Claire Hackett, Jenny Meegan and Ronan Deazley then respectively presented on the issues of process, methodology and copyright before opening up to the floor for a more in depth discussion. Participants raised a number of questions, including the role of storytelling in reconciliation, long-term preservation of archives, access to and usage of stories as well as how to bring together existing projects and new stories in a collective archive.
A seminar report is being produced so that those who were not able to attend the seminar may still access the conversations and learning that took place. This news story will be updated when the report becomes available.
*The follow up seminar will focus directly on the proposal for an Oral History Archive contained in the 2014 Stormont House Agreement. The seminar will take place in September 2016. Check The Stories Network page for updates.