Healing Through Remembering Welcomes the Release of the Analysis of the NIO Consultation responses on Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past

10 July 2019

Healing Through Remembering (HTR) welcomes the release by the Northern Ireland Office of the Analysis of the public Consultation responses on Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past.

As an organisation that has spent 20 years considering and promoting the need for a society-wide approach to dealing with the past, we have been pleased to note the extent to which the public engaged with the Consultation.  The significant number of responses received and analysed by the Northern Ireland Office underlines the importance of reflecting on the fullest possible range of voices and views in this process.

Since 1999, HTR has conducted extensive research and engagement around the key issues at stake in the Consultation, including conferences, exhibitions, site visits, and other local, regional, and international networking.  We have also produced many publications and resources that discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with ‘dealing with the past’ in detail, drawing on both regional and international experience.   Informed by this work, HTR’s response to the Consultation both highlighted specific concerns regarding the detail of the document, and hailed the steps taken by all parties to deliver the proposals and draft Bill as significant and positive developments.

HTR is now eager to hear from the Secretary of State regarding the timetable for bringing forward legislation on Addressing the Legacy of Northern Ireland’s Past.  We are mindful, however, that delivering the legislation will not resolve the ongoing debates surrounding the Consultation, and that it will be just the first step in an ongoing process that will have a significant impact on every part of society over the years to come.

HTR has demonstrated by its long track record that it is committed to working constructively to enable approaches to dealing with the past that truly support and meet the needs of society, in remembering, healing, and collectively moving towards a viable and peaceful future.  We remain ready to assist this process in whatever way we can.

Our society’s approach to dealing with the legacy of violent conflict concerns us all: this is about how we might come to terms with the past, live together today, and build a better future for all, where the next generation can flourish.