Healing Through Remembering produces a wide range of resources in order to share its learning with a broad audience and enable others to engage in debate on dealing with the past.
Healing Through Remembering produces a wide range of resources in order to share its learning with a broad audience and enable others to engage in debate on dealing with the past.
In order to share learning gathered in the five main areas of work, Healing Through Remembering publishes a wide range of reports, all of which are available online in PDF. Also available are Healing Through Remembering Annual Reports and Newsletters.
This resource summarised the proposals contained in the 2014 Stormont House Agreement (SHA) and raised a number of points for consideration and discussion. The resource was designed to enable a wider audience to engage with the SHA and its proposals.
Healing Through Remembering commissioned a number of short films. These include a collection of films linked to the Everyday Objects Exhibition entitled Ordinary Objects, Extraordinary Times, and a documentary about the basis of the organisation.
A range of educational resources to complement the Everyday Objects Exhibition.