This page includes publications that the Members of Healing Through Remembering have found helpful in their discussions and work. The views expressed in the articles listed here, however, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Members or Board. HTR would welcome suggestions for other material to be considered by the project membership.
Please email if you wish to make a recommendation.
Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past
Legacy Gender Integration Group
September 2015
Beyond Belfast: Contested Spaces in Urban, Rural and Conflicted Settings
John Bell, Neil Jarmon & Brian Harvey
Rural Community Network
November 2010
The Troubles Aren’t History Yet: Young People’s Understanding of the Past
John Bell, Alf Hanssen & Nick McCaffery
Community Relations Council
October 2010
CVSNI Dealing with the Past: Advice to the Government
Commission for Victims and Survivors
June 2010
Public Displays of Flags and Emblems in Northern Ireland: Survey 2006-2008
Institute of Irish Studies, Queens University Belfast
May 2010
Interim Response to the Northern Ireland Office Consultation on the Report of the Consultative Group on the Past
Commission for Victims and Survivors
November 2009
Pandora’s Box? Engaging with our pasts: Initial explorations from the victims sector and republican community
Mick Beyers
Shared Space
October 2009
Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland ‘From Below’: An Evaluation
The Community Foundation of Northern Ireland
September 2009
Reflecting on the report of the Consultative Group on the Past
Committee on the Administration of Justice
Seminar Report
May 2009
The Report of the Consultative Group on the Past Executive Summary
The Consultative Group on the Past
January 2009
A Sustainable Peace? Research as a Contribution to Peace-Building in Northern Ireland
Community Relations Council
Hearing the Voices: Sharing Perspectives in the Victim/Survivor Sector
Sara Templer & Katy Radford
Community Relations Council
Whose Justice? Rethinking Transitional Justice from the Bottom Up
Patricia Lundy & Mark McGovern
Journal of Law & Society 35:2
Policing and Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland: the Cost of Policing the Past
House of Commons
June 2008
Beyond Sectarianism? The Churches and Ten Years of the Peace Process
Community Relations Council
Participation, Truth and Partiality: Participatory Action Research, Community-based Truth-telling and Post-conflict Transition in Northern Ireland
Patricia Lundy & Mark McGovern
Sociology 40:1
Community, ‘Truth-telling’ and Conflict Resolution
Patricia Lundy & Mark McGovern
Community Relations Council
January 2005
Reconciliation: Rhetoric or Relevant?
Brandon Hamber & Gráinne Kelly
Democratic Dialogue No. 18
The Legacy: A Study of the Needs of GB Victims and Survivors of the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’
The Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Trust
November 2003
A New Beginning: Policing in Northern Ireland
Independent Commission on Policing for Northern Ireland
September 1999
Memorials to the Casualties of Conflict Northern Ireland, 1969 to 1997
Jane Leonard
Community Relations Council
November 1997