Message from the Board of Healing Through Remembering (HTR) about the Future of the Organisation
The recent HTR Voyager Project has seen a widening of HTR’s work on dealing with the past relating to the conflict. In the last two years this has involved over 2,500 people engaging directly with HTR on these issues through events, pilots, workshops, international study visits and exhibitions. However, with the end of the current PEACE III funding for the Voyager Project it will be necessary for HTR to cut some staff posts, reduce other staff posts and focus on specific projects. The work of the organisation in helping society to deal with the past is perhaps more vital than ever before for the future of both the political process and the peace process itself. HTR remains committed to addressing these challenging issues, and, thanks to funding from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, HTR will continue to work in this area. However, from the end of September, this will be carried out with a smaller staff team who will be working on a part-time basis. The organisation will continue to work from its offices in Alexander House, Ormeau Avenue and the exhibition in Queen Street has been extended for another few months. We hope you understand that these changes may affect our availability, but we hope to maintain our effectiveness. There will be further updates when our future plans become clear.
The Board of Trustees of Healing Through Remembering
July 2014