Truth Recovery & Acknowledgement – Current Projects

02 January 2007

The Truth Recovery and Acknowledgment Sub Group has commissioned two consultant researchers to date. The first carried out a scoping study of acknowledgement, the findings of which were used to inform a dicussion paper and proposal on the process of acknowledgement, Acknowledgement and its Role in Preventing Future Violence. The second, in conjunction with the sub group, developed a report on possible truth recovery options regarding the conflict in and about Northern Ireland. The report, Making Peace with the Past: Options for truth recovery regarding the conflict in and about Northern Ireland offers a comprehensive overview of the issues related to truth recovery and outlines five possible options for the local situation.

To generate discussion and debate on the issue of truth recovery and the five options outlined in Making Peace with the Past the Sub Group organised a series of open meetings. The meetings took place from January to April 2007 in venues across Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Partnership seminars with interested groups and organisations will continue through 2007.

Throughout the course of their research the group continue to hold private meetings and engage with key individuals and stakeholders.