Healing Through Remembering in NE Peace Cluster event with Towards Understanding and Healing

04 February 2010

Healing Through Remembering and Towards Understanding and Healing will give presentations on their work as part of events taking place in Larne and Limavady. The events are organised through the NE PEACE lll Cluster Victims Development Programm by Community Change NI.

Healing Through Remembering
who offer opportunities to have conversations and discussions on issues related to the conflict in and about Northern Ireland


Towards Understanding and Healing
who are funded to offer opportunities for people to share their stories in a safe environment using either storytelling or focused conversations.

The events will be held on

Tuesday 16th February 2010
in the Highways Hotel, Larne

Tuesday 23rd February 2010
in Radisson Roe Hotel, Limavady

The events will run from 5.30 pm (finger buffet) – 7.30 pm (approx)

To register for either of these events please contact:
Áine on 028 9023 2587 or email to aine.maguire@communitychange-ni.org

There is no charge for this event.

Please click here for a list of Healing Through Remembering facilitators and to book a workshop.