‘Lish and Gerry At The Shrine’ held at Stormont with future events planned
20 May 2011
Healing Through Remembering, in partnership with the Irish FA and the Belfast Celtic Society, is using a ground breaking piece of drama, entitled ‘Lish and Gerry At The Shrine’ to facilitate discussions on dealing with the past. The drama is based around two Northern Irish Football legends who crossed the sectarian divide in the 1940s. Elisha Scott was the Protestant manager of Belfast Celtic while Gerry Morgan was Linfield’s Catholic trainer.
The drama and a facilitated Dealing with the Past workshop were delivered in February 2011 in the Senate Chamber at Stormont Buildings, Belfast and future events are being scheduled elsewhere for the summer of 2011. The workshop facilitated by HTR following the drama touched on the issues raised during the play and encouraged people from the local football family to share their stories about the good community relations work going on in the sport today.
Kate Turner, Director at Healing Through Remembering noted that: “Healing Through Remembering is pleased to be part of the discussion about this difficult incident from the sporting past. Sport is an integral part of community identity. It can exacerbate existing tribalism, but it can also be a common link that crosses boundaries. Looking at contentious issues in the past can help us understand how we relate to each other in the present, thereby building a more peaceful future.”
Michael Boyd, Head of Community Relations at the Irish FA added: “This witty, clever and moving drama was first shown at Windsor Park in 2010 and was so successful that a group of local MLAs decided to bring the event to Stormont. The Association has learnt from the past and moved on to become a community focused organisation which is main-streaming community relations into the heart of the Association.
“I am delighted that Healing Through Remembering are onboard as a key partner in the event. Their expertise and facilitation skills will be in valuable at the workshop which will take place after the drama.”